Top 6 Cardano Communities: Where to Network with ADA Bulls Online

Join the Cardano discussion online in these communities.

Charles Hoskinson with a big bull.
Created by Kornelija Poderskytė from DailyCoin

Cardano Communities are one of the network’s greatest assets. Passionate, knowledgeable, and welcoming, ADA supporters are always happy to welcome new members to the Cardano ecosystem and expand the platform’s considerable reach.

In the cryptocurrency world, finding reliable communities isn’t always easy. Telegram groups and 𝕏 comments sections are plagued with bots and scammers just waiting to steal your crypto or NFTs. 

Finding reliable, safe groups to share opinions and chat with other Charles Hoskinson devotaries will help you maximize your ADA adventure.

What are Cardano Communities?

Cardano communities are online groups of ADA holders, developers, and contributors dedicated to expanding the Cardano blockchain. These groups come in all shapes and sizes. While some focus on supporting upcoming Cardano projects, others focus on ADA trading strategies and stake pool operations.


One thing that binds all these online communities together is that regardless of their specialization, they share a common goal: expanding the Cardano network. Cardano community members are some of the crypto space’s most devout, and they’re committed to helping the open-source network achieve its ambitious goals.

What to Look For in Cardano Communities

Whether you’re joining online communities based around Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), XRP (XRP), or Cardano, the same key points tend to shine through. The best communities provide new Cardano enthusiasts with the following:

  • Educational content – The best Cardano communities are places where knowledgeable and informed Cardano experts congregate. Whether they’re on-chain DeFi experts, smart contract architects, or Cardano governance gurus, newcomers should always be able to find answers to their questions.
  • Security-first Approach – No matter where you go in crypto, scams and hackers will always be afoot. Even Cardano communities aren’t immune to these blockchain bandits, but a quality community will have measures to protect members.
  • A welcoming attitude – The Cardano community is known for its openness. Newcomers learning the ropes can expect a rosy welcome into top Cardano communities and pleasant interactions with other members. As expected, these platforms are also great places to find quality Cardano memes and other humorous material.

Best Cardano Communities to Join Online

With so many great online Cardano communities, whittling them down to an elite selection is difficult. However, this carefully curated list will give you a great range of official and unofficial platforms across various social media platforms.

1. Project Catalyst

Project Catalyst web page.
Source: Project Catalyst

For the builders and innovators, Project Catalyst is the number one Cardano Community you need to join. Project Catalyst is one of the first places to learn more about making a meaningful contribution to the Cardano network.

The community is jam-packed with Cardano developers, Plutus experts, angel investors, and venture capitalists. If you have an idea for a dApp or protocol you want to discuss with people who can make it happen, Project Catalyst is where you need to be.

Project Catalyst aims to make Cardano a better place. You’ll find captivating discussions around upcoming Cardano Improvement Proposals (CIPs) and thoughtful discussions about the real-world applications of Cardano’s technology, and you’ll even have the opportunity to rub shoulders with members of the Cardano Foundation and IOHK themselves.

2. Cardano Reddit

Cardano Reddit.
Source: Reddit

Heading to a less professional and official field, the Cardano Reddit page is another excellent resource for Cardano community members. Cardano’s Reddit community is a thriving up of Cardano discussion, covering everything from the latest Cardano news and developments to emerging dApps.

As you’d expect from Reddit, the page also has a healthy dose of memes and other fun content. However, perhaps the best thing about the Cardano Reddit community is that everyone involved is always willing to take the time to provide detailed explanations about how certain aspects of Cardano’s technology work.

3. Cardano Trading

Cardano community trading Telegram.
Source: Telegram

For the charters, swing traders, and moonboys, the Cardano Trading Telegram channel is for you. As the name suggests, the Cardano Trading channel is where ADA investors worldwide come together to discuss the price of their favorite digital asset.

If you’re interested in tracking key metrics like blockchain TVL, ADA market cap, and technical analysis, Cardano Trading is the place to be. You’ll find yourself amongst experienced Cardano traders from all backgrounds, all with their thesis on what we can expect to come next for ADA in the charts.

4. Stake with Pride

Stake with Pride X profile.
Source: 𝕏

A Proof-of-Stake blockchain known for having one of the most decentralized networks in the industry, Cardano stakers are fiercely proud. However, Stake with Pride covers much more than Cardano Stake pool updates.

Stake with Pride is a large and vocal community of ADA enthusiasts. Their vibrant 𝕏 page frequently hosts insightful and informative 𝕏 ‘Spaces,’ where community members discuss Cardano. Whether it’s the latest CIP or a funky new metaverse on the horizon, Stake with Pride is a welcoming community for all ADA enthusiasts.

5. Cardano Whale

Cardano community ADA chale X profile.
Source: 𝕏

More of a Cardano personality than a community itself, the Cardano Whale is still a force of gravity within the wider Cardano ecosystem. Cardano Whale has built a solid community on 𝕏, with expert Cardano developers and casual enthusiasts commenting on the larger account’s takes.

 If you’re serious about being involved in the wider Cardano community, getting involved in the ADA conversation on 𝕏 is essential. Keeping an eye on the Cardano Whale and engaging with their followers and other community members is a surefire way to network with other ADA fans.

6. Adatainment

ADAtainment X profile.
Source: 𝕏

Don’t be fooled by the name. Adatainment is far from a simple meme channel. Both a Cardano encyclopedia and vocal community hub, Adatainment is an excellent resource for learning about Cardano and developing a more comprehensive understanding of this profound network.

Breaking down complicated topics into fun and engaging posts, the Adatainment 𝕏 account is a central hub of Cardano activity on social media. The account regularly shares top educational content from the Cardano Foundation, meaning the Adatainment community stays abreast of Cardano’s most pertinent and groundbreaking updates.

Pros and Cons of Cardano Communities

Of course, like every community on the planet, there are a few flaws within Cardano communities that you need to be on the lookout for. Let’s review the pros and cons of Cardano communities.


  • Knowledgeable – The Cardano community certainly knows its stuff. Amongst the communities mentioned above, you’ll find a wealth of educational content and expertise that’ll help you learn everything there is to know about Cardano.
  • Welcoming – Cardano communities are known for being exceptionally friendly. Newcomers can expect to be welcomed into the fold with open arms and guided on their ADA journey.
  • Lighthearted – As with most corners of the crypto space, Cardano communities don’t mind having a bit of a laugh. You’ll find plenty of great memes that help to keep things light, even on red days in the market.


  • Security risks – Unfortunately, every bunch has a few bad apples. No crypto community is immune to scammers, so remember to always keep your wits about you and never share your personal details or private keys with anyone.
  • Echo chamber – The problem with tight-knit communities is that they tend to cloud our judgment and stop us from thinking objectively. When you join any crypto community, make sure you’re always keeping a level head. Just because everyone around you says that Cardano is going to $50 doesn’t mean it will happen.

On the Flipside

  • Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that any crypto project is the greatest blockchain in the world just because its holders and investors tell you it is.

Why This Matters

Cardano is one of the largest cryptocurrencies in the market and boasts a vibrant and thriving community. Be sure to join various groups to give you a balanced ecosystem view.


Does Cardano have a future?

Cardano is one of the industry’s largest and most decentralized blockchains. If blockchain technology has a future, Cardano has a future.

Why is Cardano’s price so low?

During a crypto bear market, digital asset prices drop across the board. Cardano’s price depreciation is not an isolated event.

What is the Cardano community?

The Cardano community is a name given to the wider group of Cardano developers, contributors, and ADA holders.

This article is for information purposes only and should not be considered trading or investment advice. Nothing herein shall be construed as financial, legal, or tax advice. Trading forex, cryptocurrencies, and CFDs pose a considerable risk of loss.

Finn Miller

Finn Miller is a New Zealand-based blockchain writer for DailyCoin who specializes in simplifying complex blockchain topics. He is experienced in crafting whitepapers, researching on-chain data, and advising emerging crypto projects, and uses his unconventional approach to learning and passion for knowledge to provide cornerstone educational content for readers of all levels. When not exploring the depths of DeFi, Finn can be found exploring his other passion, the great outdoors.