Here’s Why Paradigm’s New Ethereum Node Is Special

Reth is a faster competitor to Geth, Nethermind, and other clients.

Reth character crab on the beach holding a ''reth made in rust'' chip.
Created by Kornelija Poderskytė from DailyCoin
  • Paradigm released a new Ethereum client called Reth.
  • Reth offers a few surprising benefits over its competitors.
  • Reth contributes to Ethereum’s client diversity efforts.

Ethereum client diversity is one of the most important things the Ethereum community has to maintain to keep the network as secure as possible.


That has become a bit easier because Paradigm just rolled out a new Ethereum client called Reth.

Paradigm Releases Reth

Paradigm, a research-based investment firm, has released Reth, a new Ethereum client written in Rust.

The new client does what any other Ethereum client does: Syncs up with Ethereum and stores transaction data, among other things. Paradigm specified that Reth is an archive node that stores all Ethereum’s blocks.

“Reth today is a performant Ethereum archive node implementation and toolkit for building EVM-centric infrastructure. We are excited to continue shipping blazing-fast, well-tested and contributor-friendly code, and contribute to the Ethereum ecosystem’s long-term success.”

Reth joins a group of already existing Ethereum clients like Geth, Nethermind, and Erigon. However, Reth has a few advantages over all of the mentioned clients.

Reth’s Advantages Over Other Ethereum Clients

Reth brings a few benefits to the table. For instance, Paradigm claims that Reth is capable of syncing the chain from genesis to the latest block in 50 hours with around 1.92 TB in database size.

For comparison, the most popular Ethereum clients, Geth and Nethermind, can do a full sync in over a month and use 14.5 TB.

Reth currently supports Ethereum-based chains such as Ethereum mainnet, Goerli, Sepolia, and the Ethereum Foundation’s testnets.

On the Flipside

  • Geth still dominates the Ethereum client space. It’s going to be tough for Reth to win market share.
  • Though users can already run Reth, it’s currently unaudited software and is still in its early stages.

Why This Matters

Ethereum client diversity is very important to ensure the network’s robustness. New clients only add to the diversity node runners can choose from.

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This article is for information purposes only and should not be considered trading or investment advice. Nothing herein shall be construed as financial, legal, or tax advice. Trading forex, cryptocurrencies, and CFDs pose a considerable risk of loss.

Arturas Skur

Arturas Skur is a cryptocurrency news reporter at DailyCoin who covers Web 3.0 domains, DeFi, and Ethereum Layer-2s. With over five years of experience in journalism and public relations, Arturas brings his critical thinking and analytical abilities to deliver insightful news stories. In his free time, he enjoys hiking, playing with his dog, and reading.

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