Solana Launches Dashboard to Track Blockchain Carbon Emissions 

Solana hopes the new method to track emissions will become the standard for the crypto industry.

A woman using futuristic technology to track emissions from a launching Solana rocket.
Created by Gabor Kovacs from DailyCoin
  • Solana launched a dashboard to track carbon emissions. 
  • The tracker will use on-chain data to estimate emissions in real time. 
  • Solana hopes this new tool will become an industry standard. 

High carbon emissions have been an ongoing PR problem for the crypto industry. Solana decided to combat the narrative of gas-guzzling blockchains with a new tool to add transparency. 

On Friday, April 21, the Solana Foundation announced an integration that measures its carbon emissions in real time. 

Carbon Tracking Should Be Industry Standard: Solana

Solana’s new emissions tracker will monitor the network’s energy consumption, carbon footprint, and network power intensity, among other metrics.


The tracker will pull real-time data from software installed on Solana validator nodes, making it available to everyone in real time. 

To enable regular users to access this information, the foundation launched a dashboard that will publish emissions data every two weeks. 

Solana developed its emissions tracker with Trycarbonara, a carbon data platform. Its measurements rely on on-chain data and a representative sample of Solana validators.


This methodology offers a much more precise measurement of Solana’s energy consumption than previous estimates. 

“The data is free and open to use and can be scrutinized down to the validator level,” the Foundation wrote. They added that they hope to set a “new standard” for the industry. 

“We welcome the chance to work with other ecosystem players, both inside and outside the Solana community, who are interested in better measuring their emissions,” Solana wrote. 

On the Flipside

  • While Solana boasts a lower energy use and better scale than other blockchains, it is more centralized than most. 
  • Since Ethereum moved to a proof of stake consensus mechanism, the network’s energy use has dramatically decreased. 

Why You Should Care

As the use of blockchain technology continues to grow, so does its environmental impact. Solana is preempting the otherwise expected criticism over blockchain’s carbon footprint by launching the emissions dashboard. 

Read about Solana’s latest partnership with Helium:

Helium Completes Solana Migration: A New Era for Decentralized Networks?

Read about the latest development on Binance’s deal with Voyager:

Users Relieved as Binance-Voyager Deal Approved

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David Marsanic

David Marsanic is a journalist for DailyCoin who covers the intersection of crypto, traditional finance, and government. He focuses on institutionalized crypto entities like major cryptocurrency exchanges and Solana, breaking down complex topics into easy-to-understand writing. David's prior experience as a business journalist at various crypto and traditional news sites has enabled him to maintain a critical approach to news while adhering to high journalistic integrity standards.