MarginFi’s CEO Resigns Amid Turmoil Rocking Solana DeFi

Tensions rise in the Solana ecosystems, leading to MarginFi’s CEO’s resignation, as users were outraged over missing emissions.

MarginFi Ex CEO Edgar Pavlovsky, worries about Solana.
Created by Kornelija Poderskytė from DailyCoin
  • Edgar Pavlovsky resigns as CEO of MarginFi amidst internal disputes and user discontent.
  • Users express anger over missing emissions, prompting scrutiny of MarginFi’s governance.
  • Dispute with SolBlaze exacerbates tensions within the Solana DeFi ecosystem.

Solana’s DeFi ecosystem has grown significantly in the past months. The fast growth has led to some growing pains, including network congestion, which resulted in as much as 70% of transactions failing in early April. 

One of the projects most impacted by this congestion is MarginFi, a Solana DeFi platform whose users could not withdraw their protocol rewards for more than a week. These technical issues led to strife and mutual accusations with the company’s partners. The crisis culminated in the sudden departure of its CEO, rocking the MarginFi platform and causing a surge in withdrawals. 

MarginFi’s CEO Leaves Amid Mismanaged Crisis

On Wednesday, April 10, the MarginFi controversy took a more dramatic turn when Edgar Pavlovsky, the company’s founder and CEO, announced his resignation. Pavlovsky’s departure, shared via social media, revealed a deep-seated discord within the organization following the crisis. 

MarginFi described his exit as stemming from internal operational disagreements and personal reasons. The platform assured that its products and operations remained unaffected. Despite this, CEO Edgar Pavlovsky’s sudden departure has sent shockwaves through the Solana DeFi ecosystem, further exacerbating the platform’s issues. 

MarginFi total value locked.
Source: DeFi Llama

After his departure, users started withdrawing assets from the platform. This major outflow resulted in a noticeable decline in the platform’s total value locked (TVL), which dropped to $509 million from $738 million the previous day and $811 million at the beginning of April.

MarginFi Users Unable to Withdraw, Accusations from SolBlaze

The issues in MarginFi escalated when users encountered unexpected difficulties with withdrawal requests. According to the company, the situation was due to issues within the platform’s Oracle infrastructure. This technical issue coincided with rising congestion on the Solana network, further exacerbating the problem. 


The oracle, a critical component for ensuring accurate and timely price data for DeFi operations, failed to function as expected, leaving users unable to withdraw funds. This sparked concerns over the platform’s operations. 

These Oracle issues prompted allegations from users and partners. One of them is SolBlaze, a popular liquid staking service. It claimed its token holders were not receiving the expected rewards due to MarginFi’s handling of earmarked tokens and lack of communication.

SolBlaze’s dissatisfaction culminated in severing its business relationship with MarginFi. However, MarginFi’s engineering team later acknowledged the oversight and committed to reimbursing affected users, indicating a potential path toward reconciliation and restoration of community trust.

On the Flipside

  • Due to increased traffic, Solana has experienced major transaction failures starting on Monday, April 8. At one point, more than 70% of non-voting transactions were failing, causing issues across its DeFi ecosystem. 
  • The surge in traffic on Solana, which at one point flipped Ethereum, was partially due to increased automated trading bots in its DeFi protocols. 

Why This Matters

Incidents like these influence the global perception of DeFi’s reliability and safety as an investment. Effective governance and clear communication help build trust and encourage wider adoption, while failures in these areas deter potential investors and users. 

Read more about the Solana network’s failure: 
Why Are Solana Transactions Failing? Devs Scramble to Fix it

Read more about the new innovations in DeFi: 
Is DeFi at a Turning Point With New Swaap Earn Protocol?

This article is for information purposes only and should not be considered trading or investment advice. Nothing herein shall be construed as financial, legal, or tax advice. Trading forex, cryptocurrencies, and CFDs pose a considerable risk of loss.

David Marsanic

David Marsanic is a journalist for DailyCoin who covers the intersection of crypto, traditional finance, and government. He focuses on institutionalized crypto entities like major cryptocurrency exchanges and Solana, breaking down complex topics into easy-to-understand writing. David's prior experience as a business journalist at various crypto and traditional news sites has enabled him to maintain a critical approach to news while adhering to high journalistic integrity standards.