Volatility Looms as $1.6B in BTC and ETH Options Near Expiry

As the expiry of staggering Bitcoin and Ethereum options looms, the cryptocurrency market braces for heightened volatility and shifts.

Futuristic steam punk gas mask with glasses one eye is ETH and BTC.
Created by Kornelija Poderskytė from DailyCoin
  • The market has been anticipating the imminent expiry of Bitcoin and Ethereum options.
  • The “Max pain point” reaching critical levels for Bitcoin and Ethereum options has the potential to cause volatility.
  • Investor sentiment indicators have hinted at potential market swings leading up to expiration.

The cryptocurrency world is holding its breath as the expiry of a colossal $1.58 billion worth of Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) options approaches. This significant milestone, scheduled for Friday, November 17, 2023, is expected to cause ripples throughout the market, potentially triggering heightened volatility.

$1.28 Billion in BTC and $530 Million in ETH at Stake

At the heart of this event lies the expiration of 35,000 BTC options and 270,000 ETH options, carrying notional values of $1.28 billion and $530 million, respectively. As these options reach their end date, they could exert considerable pressure on the overall cryptocurrency market.


Investors are closely monitoring the “max pain point,” the price level at which the most options would expire worthless. Currently, the max pain point stands at $36,000 for Bitcoin and $1,900 for Ethereum. 

Historically, prices tend to gravitate towards the max pain point as expiration nears, prompting traders to adjust their positions, which can amplify market volatility. 

Trader Positioning and Its Potential Outcomes

The Put/Call Ratio, a measure of investor sentiment, sheds further light on the current market dynamics. For BTC, the ratio stands at 0.49, while for ETH, it sits at 0.41. These figures indicate a higher prevalence of call options, suggesting a bullish outlook among option holders. However, this ratio also highlights the potential for swings in either direction as options approach expiration.

The immediate effects of the options expiry will depend on the current sentiment and positioning of market players. If traders sell the underlying assets to manage their exposure, prices could decline. However, if bullish sentiment is strong enough to absorb the selling pressure, prices could rally.

On the Flipside

  • While the “max pain point” serves as a reference for potential price movements, it doesn’t guarantee a direct trajectory.
  • While options expiration can bring short-term volatility, long-term market trends are influenced more by fundamental factors beyond the scope of these singular events.

Why This Matters

Given the significance of Bitcoin and Ethereum as the top two cryptocurrencies, an imminent options expiry of this magnitude is poised to induce volatility. The market’s direction, whether an upward surge, a downturn, or a sideways continuation, hinges significantly on the outcome of this event.


To learn more about potential risks flagged for USDT and its impact on BlackRock’s Bitcoin ETF, read here:
USDT Flagged as Potential Risk for BlackRock’s Bitcoin ETF

To delve into the broader traditional finance sector’s interest revealed in BlackRock’s ETH ETF filing, click here:
Blackrock’s ETH ETF Filing Reveals Broader Tradfi Interest

This article is for information purposes only and should not be considered trading or investment advice. Nothing herein shall be construed as financial, legal, or tax advice. Trading forex, cryptocurrencies, and CFDs pose a considerable risk of loss.

Kyle Calvert

Kyle Calvert is a cryptocurrency news reporter for DailyCoin, specializing in Ripple, stablecoins, as well as price and market analysis news. Before his current role, Kyle worked as a student researcher in the cryptocurrency industry, gaining an understanding of how digital currencies work, their potential uses, and their impact on the economy and society. He completed his Masters and Honors degrees in Blockchain Technology within Esports and Business and Event management within Esports at Staffordshire University.