Turkish Athletes Endorse Crypto in Bitget’s Campaign 

Bitget partners with Turkish athletes for the #MakeItCount campaign, aiming to boost crypto adoption in Turkey.

Turkish football players pozing with crypto coins in space.
Created by Gabor Kovacs from DailyCoin
  • Bitget collaborates with Turkish athletes to expand its #MakeItCount campaign.
  • The campaign aims to inspire and empower Turkish crypto users.
  • Turkey’s crypto adoption is up amid the country’s economic troubles. 

Turkey is facing significant economic challenges, marked by high inflation rates and a depreciating lira. These conditions have driven many Turks to seek alternative investments, especially crypto

Crypto exchange Bitget has recognized this trend and launched the #MakeItCount campaign to inspire and empower Turkish users. Initially featuring football legend Lionel Messi in 2022, the campaign has now expanded to include three renowned Turkish athletes: Buse Tosun Çavuşoğlu, Samet Gümüş, and İlkin Aydın. 

Bitget’s Partnering with Turkish Athletes to Boost Adoption

On Tuesday, June 11, Bitget announced the addition of Turkish athletes Buse Tosun Çavuşoğlu, Samet Gümüş, and İlkin Aydın to its #MakeItCount campaign. This collaboration aims to resonate with Turkish users by highlighting values such as perseverance, positive passion, and incremental progress—qualities that these athletes embody through their sports careers.


Buse Tosun Çavuşoğlu, a champion wrestler, has secured numerous victories in the European and World Championships. Samet Gümüş, a flyweight boxing champion, represents passion through his commitment to his sport, serving as a role model for young Turks. İlkin Aydın, a volleyball player, embodies the idea that no progress is too small, showcasing growth and teamwork.

This strategic move by Bitget is particularly relevant in Turkey, where cryptocurrency has become increasingly popular. Namely, economic instability drives its population to seek alternative investments. 

Why Turks Are Turning to Crypto

The Turkish crypto market has seen significant growth, driven by economic factors and a young, tech-savvy population. Notably, high inflation rates and a weakening lira have pushed many Turks to invest in cryptocurrencies as a store of value. 


In May, Turkey’s annual inflation rate reached 75.45%, the highest in 18 months, driven by rising costs in education, housing, and dining. The most likely cause of inflation is the country’s unorthodox economic policies, prioritizing low interest rates over price stability.  

These factors make the Turkish crypto market one of the most active globally, with high trading volumes and a rapidly increasing number of users. According to recent reports, nearly 40% of the Turkish population now holds some form of crypto, making Turkey one of the leading countries in crypto adoption. 

On the Flipside

  • Turks are increasingly turning to stablecoins to store their wealth. Between April 2023 and March 2024, stablecoin purchases rose above 4% of the national GDP, by far the largest share among developed economies.  
  • As crypto becomes more popular, the Turkish government is taking steps to create a comprehensive regulatory framework for the industry. 

Why This Matters

The #MakeItCount campaign aligns with the growing trend of crypto adoption in Turkey, driven by economic instability. Crypto provides Turks with alternative investment options. By increasing crypto’s reach, Bitget can benefit from the growing trend towards crypto in Turkey.  

Read more about Turkey turning to crypto: 
Inflation-Ridden Turkey Turns to Bitcoin: Will the Rest of the World Follow?

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This article is for information purposes only and should not be considered trading or investment advice. Nothing herein shall be construed as financial, legal, or tax advice. Trading forex, cryptocurrencies, and CFDs pose a considerable risk of loss.

David Marsanic

David Marsanic is a journalist for DailyCoin who covers the intersection of crypto, traditional finance, and government. He focuses on institutionalized crypto entities like major cryptocurrency exchanges and Solana, breaking down complex topics into easy-to-understand writing. David's prior experience as a business journalist at various crypto and traditional news sites has enabled him to maintain a critical approach to news while adhering to high journalistic integrity standards.