Is a Solana ETF Coming Soon or Is It a Distant Dream?

Speculation heats up over a potential Solana ETF, but regulatory hurdles and missing infrastructure cast doubt on its near-term arrival.

Guy paiting graffiti on a wall saying Solana ETF.
Created by Kornelija Poderskytė from DailyCoin
  • Solana has generated buzz due to the potential launch of its very own spot ETF.
  • Industry leaders have expressed optimism, but some experts have warned of its many challenges ahead.
  • The upcoming US election has added another layer of uncertainty to the approval timeline.

Solana, the blockchain darling known for its speed and affordability, is stirring excitement with the potential arrival of a dedicated Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF). But will it be the next big crypto investment vehicle, or is it a dream deferred?

Solana ETF Speculation Heats Up

The recent approval of spot Ethereum ETFs has fueled speculation about a Solana ETF. Industry figures like Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse suggest Solana could be next in line. However, experts like Bloomberg Intelligence’s James Seyffart offer a more measured view.


Seyffart, who correctly predicted the order of Bitcoin and Ethereum ETF approvals, highlights the regulatory hurdles. The SEC’s ongoing legal battles with Kraken and Coinbase, where Solana was specifically mentioned as a security, raise concerns. 

Unlike Bitcoin and Ethereum, which have established futures markets, a crucial component for ETF approval, Solana currently lacks this infrastructure. The upcoming US election adds to the complexity. 

A potential shift in regulatory leadership could influence the SEC’s stance on crypto ETFs. This, coupled with the lack of a functioning futures market for Solana, pushes Seyffart’s prediction for a Solana ETF to 2026 at the earliest.

What Does This Mean?

While a Solana ETF promises increased accessibility and legitimacy, the road ahead is long. Investors should be aware of the regulatory hurdles, including the ongoing debate about classifying Solana as a security or commodity. The absence of a robust futures market is another hurdle.


Despite the challenges, the potential arrival of a Solana ETF remains a significant development. It could mark a major step towards mainstream adoption for Solana and the broader cryptocurrency market. However, for now, it seems a case of watching closely and conducting thorough research before making any investment decisions.

On the Flipside

  • Solana has been criticized for its susceptibility to network congestion and outages, which could discourage investors from seeking a reliable and stable ETF.
  • Management fees and other expenses could eat into the returns investors might expect from holding Solana directly.

Why This Matters

A Solana ETF, if approved, could significantly boost mainstream adoption for Solana and cryptocurrencies in general by offering a familiar and regulated investment option. However, the path to approval is complex, hinging on overcoming regulatory challenges and establishing a functioning futures market, potentially delaying its arrival until 2026 or later.

If you enjoyed this article on a potential Solana ETF, delve deeper into the world of Solana with this article on using the Solana Phantom Wallet:
Solana Phantom Wallet: The Easiest Way of Exploring Solana?

Beyond Solana, there’s a whole world of cryptocurrencies to discover. This article explores the ever-growing trend of memecoins within the cryptosphere:
How Solana Became the Home of Memecoin Token Launches

This article is for information purposes only and should not be considered trading or investment advice. Nothing herein shall be construed as financial, legal, or tax advice. Trading forex, cryptocurrencies, and CFDs pose a considerable risk of loss.

Kyle Calvert

Kyle Calvert is a cryptocurrency news reporter for DailyCoin, specializing in Ripple, stablecoins, as well as price and market analysis news. Before his current role, Kyle worked as a student researcher in the cryptocurrency industry, gaining an understanding of how digital currencies work, their potential uses, and their impact on the economy and society. He completed his Masters and Honors degrees in Blockchain Technology within Esports and Business and Event management within Esports at Staffordshire University.