Bitcoin Emoji Campaign Gets Backing from Industry Giants

Prominent crypto companies unite in a campaign to solidify Bitcoin’s cultural significance through the creation of an official emoji.

Person sitting on cloud recieving Bitcoins via a ray of light from the heavens.
Created by Gabor Kovacs from DailyCoin
  • A campaign to add the Bitcoin emoji kicks off.
  • Leading crypto firms back the campaign.
  • Unicode rejected a previous BTC emoji application.

Emojis and memes have become modern-day phenomena that straddle the sweet spot between humor and intellect. Recognizing this power, a consortium of leading crypto firms have banded together to campaign for an official Bitcoin emoji on every digital keyboard to recognize BTC’s immense cultural impact.

Bitcoin Emoji Campaign Launches

Over 20 leading crypto organizations including Nexo, BTC Inc, Bitget, Chainalysis, and Hacken, to name a few, have joined a campaign to add the Bitcoin emoji to digital keyboards in a move that is sure to speak to the Zoomers out there. 

The campaign is about turning up the volume on Bitcoin’s epic journey from a niche offering to a mainstream asset vehicle as it flips the script on the monetary, technological, and cultural landscapes along the way.


Emojis transcend language and cultural barriers like food and music, representing a universal dialect spanning borders. In our hyper-connected world, emojis have become essential tools for expression, capable of blending seamlessly with cryptocurrency, a borderless phenomenon in its own right, making the Bitcoin emoji a logical step.

The consortium of crypto heavyweights emphasized that a dedicated Bitcoin emoji goes beyond mere fun and games. Instead, the emoji campaign recognizes Bitcoin’s role in reshaping global finance.

Join the Campaign

Although Unicode rejected the Bitcoin emoji in 2020, the global financial landscape has transformed tremendously since then. Recognizing these seismic shifts, the “Bitcoin Deserves an Emoji” consortium has resubmitted its proposal with renewed optimism that the stars will align this time.


The consortium’s campaign efforts are bolstered by a complementary 50-day petition on aimed at showcasing public support. At the time of writing, the petition has already garnered over 4,000 signatures, with the consortium calling on supporters to make their voices heard.

Galvanizing public support, Nexo co-founder Kosta Kantchev urged the crypto community to join the petition, emphasizing that an emoji would signify a historic milestone for the leading cryptocurrency.

“Bitcoin's journey reflects a remarkable blend of innovation and community. It's time its significance is recognized universally, starting with a symbol we all understand - an emoji. Join us in making history,” remarked Kantchev.

On the Flipside

  • Skeptics may argue that a Bitcoin emoji glamorizes an unregulated and high-risk asset class.
  • A Bitcoin emoji campaign is trivial considering the litany of serious, unresolved issues, including whether Ordinals is network spam.
  • Granting a BTC emoji may open the door for other cryptocurrency emojis.

Why This Matters

The Bitcoin emoji campaign represents the evolution from a niche technology to a mainstream financial phenomenon. Winning over Unicode would cap this change, cementing a whimsical stamp of approval acknowledging Bitcoin’s cultural impact.

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This article is for information purposes only and should not be considered trading or investment advice. Nothing herein shall be construed as financial, legal, or tax advice. Trading forex, cryptocurrencies, and CFDs pose a considerable risk of loss.

Samuel Wan

Samuel Wan is a finance professional turned crypto journalist, known for his insightful reporting on market trends, regulatory changes, and technological developments within the digital asset industry. His ability to simplify complex concepts and report the facts has made him a trusted source in the crypto community. Beyond his writing, Samuel is an active mountain biker and gamer.