STORM Unveils Lightningbox, New Web3 Innovation Hub at Geneva

Geneva solidifies its blockchain hub status with STORM’s Lightningbox, a new innovation sandbox aimed at driving digital transformation through Web3 technologies.

Robot hand holding a crypto coin getting powered with lighting in Geneva.
Created by Kornelija Poderskytė from DailyCoin
  • Geneva strengthens blockchain presence with STORM’s Lightningbox launch.
  • Lightningbox focuses on Impact, Consumer, Finance, and future Life Sciences.
  • Top industry leaders and global brands participate in the Geneva event.

Even though the Web3 industry is still in its infancy, it has attracted significant attention in multiple jurisdictions. Countries and cities are fighting for their place to become hubs of this emerging technology. One of them is Geneva, which has a good shot.

Most recently, Geneva got a new blockchain hub with the launch of Lightningbox Innovation Sandbox by STORM Partners. 

STORM Partners Launches Lightningbox Innovation Sandbox

On Friday, June 14, blockchain solutions provider STORM Partners launched Lightningbox, a unique Web3 Innovation Sandbox, during the Web3-focused Corporate Innovation Day at Decentral House in Geneva. 


Lightningbox aims to facilitate the mass adoption of blockchain technology by advising major institutions in traditional industries. The hub will provide an environment where corporate players can experiment with using blockchain and Web3 tech to boost their services. 

The initiative will focus on three pillars—Impact, Consumer, and Finance—with plans to expand into Life Sciences. Notably, these are areas with strong demand from local traditional players eager to engage in the digital economy.

Major partners will include stablecoin issuer Circle, Hacken for cybersecurity, and MultiversX, which will provide infrastructure. Moreover, Walder Wyss will provide legal support for the initiative.  

Geneva and Switzerland Fighting for Blockchain Dominance

The launch of Lightningbox by STORM Partners is also a significant event for Geneva. Already home to a large number of blockchain startups,  the city is positioned to become a major blockchain hub. 


This also aligns with Switzerland’s broader strategy to establish itself as a leading player in the blockchain and cryptocurrency sectors. The country’s favorable regulatory environment has already attracted major players in crypto. 

The Ethereum Foundation and Gavin Wood’s Web3 Foundation, the organization behind Polkadot, are the most notable Web3 players headquartered in Switzerland. 

On the Flipside

  • Geneva is fighting for dominance with other cities, both within Switzerland and outside. These include Lausanne, home of the Ethereum Foundation. 
  • Dubai is aggressively positioning itself as a blockchain hub. It has a favorable tax policy and a track record of supporting innovation. 

Why This Matters

The launch of Lightningbox by STORM Partners is a pivotal development for both Geneva and the broader blockchain industry. By providing a space for large organizations to experiment with and adopt blockchain technology, Lightningbox can innovate across industries. 

Read more about the Web3 corporate innovation day: 
Web3 Corporate Innovation Day: A Premier Blockchain Event in Geneva

Read more about Solana’s latest initiative: 
Solana Labs Launches Bond for Blockchain Loyalty Programs

This article is for information purposes only and should not be considered trading or investment advice. Nothing herein shall be construed as financial, legal, or tax advice. Trading forex, cryptocurrencies, and CFDs pose a considerable risk of loss.

David Marsanic

David Marsanic is a journalist for DailyCoin who covers the intersection of crypto, traditional finance, and government. He focuses on institutionalized crypto entities like major cryptocurrency exchanges and Solana, breaking down complex topics into easy-to-understand writing. David's prior experience as a business journalist at various crypto and traditional news sites has enabled him to maintain a critical approach to news while adhering to high journalistic integrity standards.