Senate Shuts Down SEC Plans: Does It Spell Doom for Gensler?

Amidst the SEC’s proposed SAB 121 ruling, tensions rise as it impacts banking institutions and the cryptocurrency industry’s regulatory landscape.

Gary Gensler trying to figure out what's on the other side of a red door.
Created by Gabor Kovacs from DailyCoin
  • SAB 121 has introduced controversial regulations impacting banking institutions and cryptocurrency holdings.
  • The Senate’s rejection of SAB 121 has signaled potential challenges to Gensler’s regulatory agenda.
  • Uncertainty has loomed over Gensler’s future as SEC Chair amid growing bipartisan resistance.

The U.S. Senate just dealt a blow to a major policy from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in a move that could have significant implications for the cryptocurrency industry. The controversial rule in question? Staff Accounting Bulletin (SAB) 121.

What Is SAB 121?

SAB 121 is a proposed rule by the SEC that mandates regulated banking institutions to include their customers’ cryptocurrency holdings on their balance sheets. This rule was introduced as part of the SEC’s efforts to bring more transparency and accountability to the burgeoning crypto industry.

Why is SAB 121 Bad/Good for Crypto?

SAB 121 has faced significant opposition from the banking and crypto sectors. Critics argue that requiring banks to include crypto holdings on their balance sheets would complicate custodial services and negatively impact financial statements due to cryptocurrencies’ inherent volatility. 


On the other hand, proponents believe it could enhance transparency and investor protection in the crypto market. However, the strong backlash highlights widespread concerns about the potential negative impacts on financial stability and operational complexity for banks.

How Does Gary Gensler Tie Into This? 

Gary Gensler, the Chair of the SEC, has been a central figure pushing for more stringent regulations in the cryptocurrency industry. SAB 121 is a key part of his broader agenda to regulate crypto assets more rigorously. 

Gensler’s tenure has been marked by initiatives aimed at increasing oversight and regulatory clarity in the crypto space, which he argues are necessary to protect investors and ensure market integrity.


The Senate’s rejection of SAB 121 is a significant setback for Gensler’s regulatory agenda. It reflects a growing bipartisan resistance to what many perceive as his overreaching regulatory measures. 

Is His Future as SEC Chair Under Scrutiny?

This ruling challenges Gensler’s authority and could undermine his efforts to implement similar policies. Despite the pushback, Gensler’s legacy as SEC Chair will likely be judged on his ability to navigate this resistance and adjust his strategies or double down on his regulatory approach.

While the Senate’s decision is a clear rebuke of Gensler’s policies, it does not necessarily mean his removal is imminent. President Joe Biden’s administration has expressed strong support for Gensler’s efforts, indicating that a veto of the Senate’s resolution is possible. 

However, the bipartisan nature of the Senate’s opposition suggests that Gensler will face increasing challenges. If the resistance continues to grow and his regulatory initiatives consistently face setbacks, his position could become untenable in the long term. Gensler remains at the helm for now, but his future as SEC Chair is certainly under more scrutiny.

On the Flipside

  • Including cryptocurrency holdings on banks’ balance sheets would enhance their credibility and provide a clearer picture of their overall assets.
  • Despite the Senate’s rejection of SAB 121, Gensler’s position as SEC Chair probably remains secure for now.

Why This Matters

While the fate of the Senate’s resolution remains uncertain, the vote represents a significant step forward for cryptocurrency regulation in the United States. With the industry and lawmakers increasingly seeking a balanced approach, the future for digital assets appears brighter.

If you’re interested in the legal wrangles surrounding cryptocurrency, then this article about Ripple’s lawsuit with the SEC might be of interest:
Ripple Seeks to Seal Documents from SEC: This Is Why

If you like this article, you might also be interested in this piece on Gary Gensler’s defense of the SEC’s actions against Robinhood:
Gary Gensler Defends Robinhood Action: SEC Follows the Law

This article is for information purposes only and should not be considered trading or investment advice. Nothing herein shall be construed as financial, legal, or tax advice. Trading forex, cryptocurrencies, and CFDs pose a considerable risk of loss.

Kyle Calvert

Kyle Calvert is a cryptocurrency news reporter for DailyCoin, specializing in Ripple, stablecoins, as well as price and market analysis news. Before his current role, Kyle worked as a student researcher in the cryptocurrency industry, gaining an understanding of how digital currencies work, their potential uses, and their impact on the economy and society. He completed his Masters and Honors degrees in Blockchain Technology within Esports and Business and Event management within Esports at Staffordshire University.