CROSS THE AGES Integrates Real World Assets with Virtual Gaming

CROSS THE AGES launches ReVerse, integrating Real World Assets into virtual gaming, blending web3, blockchain, and traditional gaming for tangible benefits.

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Marseille, France, July 10th, 2024, Chainwire


CROSS THE AGES announces the launch of ReVerse, an innovative concept integrating Real World Assets (RWAs) into its virtual ecosystem. This initiative marks the first integration of its kind in the entertainment sector, combining elements of web3 technologies, blockchain, and traditional gaming.


ReVerse serves as a bridge between the virtual and real worlds, enabling users to engage in entertainment, asset ownership, and financial gain, all while contributing to renewable energy initiatives. The concept introduces a model where virtual interactions have direct implications in the real world, linking entertainment with tangible outcomes (financial and environmental).

The project’s virtual lands correspond to real-world industrial activities. These lands are part of a broader strategy to acquire real estate for producing carbon-neutral energy from renewable sources. The initiative targets sectors requiring high energy consumption, such as data centers and cryptocurrency mining, offering them sustainable energy solutions.

The CTA token is the primary currency within Artellium, the universe and IP of CROSS THE AGES. It allows players to convert their virtual achievements into real-world assets through a minting process that transforms Flex cards into Eternal (NFT) cards, facilitating trade, rental, and collection. Players’ virtual assets generate a minimum ROI through the sale of renewable energy produced on physical lands, and allowing players to expand their returns through continued gameplay.

The innovative approach of CROSS THE AGES has attracted attention from five publishers and over 70 venture capitalists. In the coming weeks, co-founders Sami Chlagou and Richard Estève will expand their activities in the United States, focusing on building and scouting new locations to enhance their real-world asset portfolio.

According to Sami Chlagou, CEO and Co-Founder of CROSS THE AGES, “The connection between the virtual and real worlds through ReVerse is set to shift the traditional entertainment paradigm, making gaming both more interactive and impactful.”


Launched in 2020, CROSS THE AGES (CTA) is a transmedia intellectual property (IP) where futuristic fantasy meets sci-fi epic narrative. Leveraging blockchain technology, the CTA universe sets a new benchmark in innovative gaming, combining free-to-play and play-and-earn. The experiential ecosystem blends the virtual and real worlds, encompassing books, comics, gaming, esports, animation, collectibles, and an underlying gaming investment model to promote the transition to renewable energy in the real world. Already boasting partnerships with industry leaders like Ubisoft and Square Enix, CROSS THE AGES continues to push the boundaries of innovation in gaming and entertainment. For more information visit

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