Large Cardano Holding Reported by Publicly Traded American Bank

US investors continue to display their faith in Cardano’s potential and resilience despite its regulatory challenges.

Massive SoFi Bank, Cardano cloin incorporated into the building.
Created by Kornelija Poderskytė from DailyCoin
  • A large publicly traded American Bank revealed that it holds substantial amounts of Cardano. 
  • The report came at a time when Cardano was under pressure from regulators. 
  • ADA’s inclusion in the American Bank’s crypto holdings is a milestone achievement. 

Cardano still faces heat from SEC’s attack, as major US exchanges line up to delist ADA and dump their bags for tokens with better regulatory clarity. 

Yet, despite these challenges, investors continue to display their unwavering faith in Cardano’s potential and resilience, which was recently highlighted in SoFi’s earning calls report. 

SoFi Customers Believe in ADA

On August 9, San Francisco-based SoFi bank, boasting over 6.2 million users, made an important revelation during its Q2 earnings call. The bank reported amassing a crypto portfolio exceeding $170 million through its subsidiary SoFi Digital Assets.


Per details in the official report, SoFi’s holdings comprised $82 million in Bitcoin (BTC), $55 million in Ethereum (ETH), $5 million in Dogecoin (DOGE), and $4.5 million in Cardano (ADA). 

It’s worth noting SoFi itself hasn’t invested in these tokens; instead, it uses third-party custodial services where members can invest in these assets. The report highlighted the assets held by third-party custodians on behalf of SoFi members. 

While major corporations and investors favor Bitcoin and Ethereum to gain exposure to the crypto industry, ADA’s inclusion in the report is a milestone achievement. It highlights Cardano’s growing adoption and demand despite its regulatory challenges within the US. 

It also proves that US investors recognize Cardano as a solid project and are willing to hold substantial amounts regardless of how the government reacts. However, despite investors’ reactions, the report clarified that it had ended support for holding more ADA. 

On the Flipside

Why This Matters

US investors’ interest in Cardano proves that despite the mounting sell regulatory pressure ADA faces in the country, they’re still willing to hold substantial amounts as a testament to its robustness and vision. 

More on Cardano: 

Binance Drops Cardano Leveraged Tokens Amid Piling Lawsuits

More From Cardano’s ecosystem: 

Cardano’s MuesliSwap Issues Refunds over Slippage Outrage

This article is for information purposes only and should not be considered trading or investment advice. Nothing herein shall be construed as financial, legal, or tax advice. Trading forex, cryptocurrencies, and CFDs pose a considerable risk of loss.

Insha Zia

Insha Zia is a senior journalist at DailyCoin covering crypto developments, especially in the Cardano ecosystem. With a Bachelor of Science in Computer Systems Engineering, he delivers high-quality articles with his technical background and expertise in data analysis and programming languages, aiming to educate and inform readers accurately, transparently, and engagingly. Insha believes education can drive mass adoption of the crypto space, and he is committed to giving DailyCoin readers a better understanding of the technology.

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