What Polygon (MATIC) Nodekit Support Means for AggLayer Chains

Polygon’s interoperability solution gets closer to its final form with Nodekit support.

Futuristic guy working on Polygon chains.
Created by Kornelija Poderskytė from DailyCoin
  • Polygon’s interoperability solution is set to get closer to its final form with Nodekit support.
  • The Nodekit integration promises to significantly improve the user experience of AggLayer chains and unlock new possibilities for developers.
  • Beyond improving the AggLayer experience, developers have tipped the integration to allow Ethereum to better compete with Solana.

Over the past year, Polygon Labs has outlined a new vision to infinitely scale Ethereum by horizontally connecting as many blockchains as possible to it. At the center of the firm’s new vision is the AggLayer, an interoperability solution designed to allow users to experience interactions between connected chains like that of a single chain.

In February 2024, the first version of this protocol was launched, laying the groundwork for the final vision with a unified bridge and shared proof validator. Following a recent announcement that Polygon-powered chains are set to receive Nodekit support, the protocol looks to be closer than ever to its final form, which would unlock near-instant and atomic transfers across chains while unlocking new possibilities for developers.

An Ecosystem of Seamlessly Connected “Superchains”

Polygon’s interoperability solution is set to get closer to its final form with Nodekit support. In an X post on Wednesday, June 26, Polygon Labs announced that Nodekit, a composability layer, was bringing synchronous composability to the AggLayer and CDK chains. 


Synchronous composability between blockchains refers to the ability of different blockchain networks to combine their capabilities to allow for simultaneous execution of processes and smart contracts. This synchronous composability unlocks an entirely new cross-chain interoperability experience with things like near-instant cross-chain transactions and interoperable smart contracts.

As highlighted by Polygon core contributor “Vinito Papasito,” Nodekit unlocks this synchronous composability by allowing an ecosystem of chains to launch their own shared sequencer or join its current shared sequencer ecosystem called the Composable Network. 

A sequencer is an entity in a blockchain network responsible for ordering Layer 2 transactions before they are batched off to the mainnet.


With Nodekit, the Polygon contributor explained that projects will be able to launch their own shared sequencer networks on top of the AggLayer. This capability promises to be particularly useful for projects like Ronin, which intends to support multiple CDK-powered zkEVMs, leading Papasito to float the idea of a “Ronin Superchain.”

Meanwhile, beyond improving the Polygon AggLayer ecosystem, developers have tipped the move to allow Ethereum to better compete with Solana.

Challenging Solana

A key narrative espoused by developers promoting the recent collaboration between Nodekit and Polygon is that it brings the synchronous composability available on Solana Layer 2 chains to Ethereum Layer 2 chains. 

The sentiments come as the Solana ecosystem has primarily been the center of attention in the current market cycle. A critical driver of Solana’s success has been its speed and scalability, which have enabled it to build a thriving ecosystem of retail users.

On the Flipside 

  • The Nodekit composability layer on top of the AggLayer is not yet live but is slated to be in Q4.
  • Projects will get to choose whether they want to use Nodekit.

Why This Matters 

The end goal of the Polygon aggregated vision is to enable seamless interoperability between connected chains. The recent Nodekit collaboration promises to take the network to the finish line.

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Okoya David

David Okoya is a crypto news reporter at DailyCoin based in Nigeria. He covers various topics related to the cryptocurrency industry, including exchanges, regulations, and price movements, and strives to bring fresh angles to breaking news. With experience as a freelance crypto news writer, David upholds the highest journalistic standards, telling complete stories and answering lingering questions whenever possible.