Keanu Reeves Laughs at the Digital Scarcity of NFTs

Reeves was asked how he feels about NFTs in a recent interview.

Only a few weeks ago, 100,000 rare The Matrix NFTs were selling for $50 each. The demand was so high that over 300,000 people queued up, and eventually the website, on which the purchase event was held, ended up crashing.

Stars of The Matrix, Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Ann Moss, were recently interviewed by The Verge about their opinions on digital currencies and NFTs. 


Reeves is somewhat familiar with cryptocurrency; when asked whether he owns cryptocurrencies, he mentioned that a friend bought some for him, though he doesn’t actively trade, but rather HODLs those gifted assets instead.

When asked about his feelings on NFTs, Reeves burst out laughing at the concept of digital scarcity and commented that the tokens are “easily reproduced.”

Reeves doesn’t seem to see any point to NFTs, unlike many other celebrities such as Tom Hanks, Eminem, Doja Cat, Snoop Dogg, and Paris Hilton, who have been publicly praising non-fungible tokens and their uses.

You can see the full, almost 19-minute interview for yourself here.

On the Flipside

  • While for some, NFTs are a worthy investment and represent the future of art, others are more skeptical and believe that NFTs are futile or pointless.

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