How Web3 Will Revolutionize Data Privacy According to Verida CEO

Verida CEO Chris Were delves into how Web3 will revolutionize data privacy.

Chris Were of Verida in a digital environment.
Created by Gabor Kovacs from DailyCoin
  • Verida CEO Chris Were believes Web3 will revolutionize data privacy.
  • Were argues that Verida perfectly encapsulates the Web3 data privacy vision.
  • Were detailed challenges the Web3 industry needs to fix to bring the vision to fruition.

As the world becomes increasingly digitized, the handling of user data by centralized entities continues to raise privacy concerns. These concerns have only grown with the recent explosion of generative AI trained on user data.

Many have tipped Web3 technology as the answer to these concerns, and a way to return control to users. Among them is Verida, a decentralized infrastructure network for private user databases. In an exclusive interview with DailyCoin journalist David Okoya, Verida CEO Chris Were discussed how Web3 technology will revolutionize data privacy and the hurdles facing the full realization of this vision.

Web3 Will Revolutionize Data Privacy and Digital Identity: Chris Were

Web3 is set to play a key role in data privacy and digital identity management according to Verida CEO Chris Were in conversation with DailyCoin. The Verida co-founder expressed this view when asked about the role of the nascent industry in data privacy and how Verida fit into the vision.


"Web3 is set to revolutionize data privacy and digital identity by decentralizing data control, giving users full ownership and the ability to manage their digital identities securely," he asserted.

Were argued that Verida perfectly encapsulated Web3’s potential to empower users to take greater control of their data.

"Verida's protocol fits perfectly into this vision by offering GDPR-compliant storage solutions and a self-sovereign identity wallet that integrates with various services. Our platform ensures that users can securely control, share, and delete their data, aligning with the core principles of Web3."

Web3 solutions like Verida have been tipped to disrupt several industries by empowering users. When asked about the use case he was most excited about, Were pointed to health.

“I am particularly excited about the healthcare use case,” he enthused, expressing confidence that the technology could significantly improve patient care.


“The ability to securely manage and share personal health data through Verida can revolutionize patient care. AI-powered personalized care, secure messaging, and follow-up processes can significantly enhance patient outcomes and privacy. This use case demonstrates the profound impact that secure, user-controlled data can have on critical aspects of our lives,” Were noted showcasing how Verida’s secure data management system could transform healthcare.

Despite the revolutionary potential of Web3 in data privacy and identity management, hurdles remain.

A Delicate Balancing Act

Speaking on the challenges faced by the industry, Were expressed that striking a balance between confidentiality and transparency remains a major concern.

"One of the biggest challenges is ensuring data privacy and security in a decentralized environment. Balancing transparency with confidentiality, especially with off-chain data, requires sophisticated encryption and access control mechanisms."

Were’s statements capture one of the complications that come with the transparency of decentralized networks. While this transparency is necessary to eliminate the need for trust in centralized entities,  it often comes at the cost of privacy. To tackle this challenge, Verida employs zero-knowledge proofs, a cryptographic method that allows the transmission and verification of data without revealing the details of the data. However, this technology remains relatively new and complex to develop.

Beyond maintaining confidentiality in a decentralized environment, Verida’s Were noted that other challenges included interoperability and user education.

“Another challenge is achieving interoperability between various platforms and standards, which is essential for seamless data sharing. Finally, user education is critical, as individuals need to understand the importance of data sovereignty and how to manage their digital identities securely.”

The Full Verida Vision

In conversation with DailyCoin, the Verida chief detailed the project’s plans to cement its place as a private data management service provider across various industries. 

"Beyond the Verida Wallet, we are working on expanding our decentralized identity management system and personal data bridge. We aim to enhance our platform's capabilities to support more use cases, such as reusable KYC/KYB for DeFi, portable personal profiles for the metaverse, and personalized AI chatbots," he disclosed, highlighting the project’s commitment to bolstering its product suite.

When asked how solutions like Verida could garner traction beyond native Web3 circles, Were tipped easy-to-use interfaces and “practical use cases” as the key to drawing a wider base of users.

"To spread adoption beyond blockchain enthusiasts, it's essential to focus on user-friendly interfaces and practical use cases that demonstrate clear benefits," he argued, stressing the importance of building products with users in mind.

In addition to building user-friendly and practical solutions, Were also stressed the importance of Education, mainstream brand partnerships, and user incentives in driving adoption.

“Educating the public on the advantages of data sovereignty and the risks of centralized data storage is crucial. 

Partnering with mainstream platforms to integrate Web3 solutions can also help bridge the gap. Encouraging use can be achieved through incentives, seamless onboarding processes, and providing real-world benefits that resonate with everyday users, such as enhanced security, privacy, and personalized services,” he added. 

Per CoinGecko data at the time of writing, Verida’s native token VDA is trading at the $0.055 price point, representing a 6% decline in the past 24 hours with a market cap of about $3.9 million.

On the Flipside 

  • Verida is competing with prominent decentralized storage solutions like Filecoin.
  • Much of Verida’s ecosystem is still in development.

Why This Matters

As everyday life becomes more intertwined with technology, users give more data than ever to centralized entities with little insight into how this data is managed. Solutions like Verida promise to return power to the user by allowing them complete control of their data.

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Okoya David

David Okoya is a crypto news reporter at DailyCoin based in Nigeria. He covers various topics related to the cryptocurrency industry, including exchanges, regulations, and price movements, and strives to bring fresh angles to breaking news. With experience as a freelance crypto news writer, David upholds the highest journalistic standards, telling complete stories and answering lingering questions whenever possible.